Inspect Your Assets
With CitiTech Management Software (CMS) handling asset inspections has never been easier. Determine your assets’ current Condition or Level of Service (which can be compared against target levels of service).
Looking Closer
The Inspection Module is a set of programs designed to evaluate the condition of assets (roads, bridges, signs, utilities, etc.) based on user-defined criteria and apply inspection results to update their condition index or levels of service. Condition distress factors and level of service indicators and their effect on inspected assets play an important role in managing assets and evaluating operations based on costs, performance and other community standards.
It Does Matter
GASB-34 guidelines for the “modified approach” require inspections be performed at least once every three years on all infrastructure assets. CMS software maintains individual records for each road, bridge, sign, utility item and other major category. Each record contains inspection information, including the last inspection date and the inspection interval. If the item is due an inspection, Alert Reminders report it – and allow you to address it immediately programmatically. Set any date to see what WILL become due, for a proactive approach.
Using CMS, assets can be located and inspections performed in the field – using laptops, handheld devices, or even using maps. Go disconnected!