From Start to Finish
CMS manages work from beginning to end – with complete integration into Computer Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS).
- Work can be planned, scheduled, performed, monitored, evaluated.
- Planned work can be scheduled using planned resources automatically.
- Availability of labor, equipment, material, and contractors can be checked to avoid overscheduling.
- It can send emails to the person requesting the work, the crew that needs to do the work, or others – such as the legal department if it’s accident-related.
- When work is performed, it tracks payroll pay and leave, equipment cost, usage and maintenance schedules, inventory balances and contractor costs and services.
- Planned vs. Actual reports are available.
- When assets are inspected, actual Level of Service can be compared against target levels of service.
- LOS Analysis results can be used to create or update work plans to meet target levels of service, closing the maintenance management cycle loop.